There is a misconception among small to medium sized business owners that PR is only for the bigger players – but this couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, it’s becoming more vital for all business owners to consider where they sit in the broader market and work with PR partners who can help them build profile and get where they want to go.
Whether it’s time, the expense or attitude, it’s easy to park PR in the too hard basket without considering the many benefits a PR agency in Perth can offer your business.
It doesn’t matter if you’re looking to grow a customer base right here, or expand your business across new markets, having a PR consultant can pay dividends when it comes to achieving your goals.
It’s no secret that having a presence in traditional and new media can lead to more success for your business, but it’s also now vital that your business has a social media presence as well. Think about how you find new businesses in your everyday life – whether it’s your morning coffee or your next big purchase. You want reliability, authenticity, and integrity. So how do you demonstrate these attributes for your business when you’re busy doing the endless things a business owner has to do each day? You rely on the experts. You rely on a PR company who is as dedicated to your business goals as you are.
Client 1: ESS Shipping
EES Shipping in Cockburn is a family-owned business with goals of hitting the headlines here in Perth and across the industry. They wanted to be the team that was top of mind for new customers in the shipping industry, but also build connections with journalists to position themselves as the go-to voice on shipping industry news in Australia. They partnered with Profile Media to build their digital and media presence. EES Shipping is now recognized beyond their work in the shipping industry. Their workplace initiatives like the creation of a staff recreation space and plans to move to a four-day week have been featured in Perth media as well as across the county. They’re progressive thinkers in an industry where it might not be as commonplace to come up with such ideas and as such, have enjoyed media success highlighting these internal achievements.
Having a PR consultant was important for EES Shipping because it allow their business to be explored with the detail required for a genuine understanding of how to achieve their goals.
Client 2: Bullseye Optometry
For Bullseye Optometry, having a Perth PR company meant the launch of their new Sensory Clinic was an event which Perth media flocked to. After building the profile of Neuro-Optometrist Darrell Baker as the go-to voice on all things optometry in the media in Perth, the official launch of the Optometry and Sensory Clinic was another opportunity to build on existing success in the media, as well as start to build the profile of clinic director Christine Baker.
Coverage of the launch was featured in news bulletins on all three commercial television stations equaling tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of exposure. The coverage was pivotal in raising awareness about the clinic and its capabilities, with the potential for further exposure as extra services are integrated and become available. The benefit of having a Perth PR company assisting with the launch of the clinic meant that Bullseye could rely on a local team with local connections to the media to drum up excitement on their behalf.
By engaging a PR company, your company will be able to identify and execute specific media goals without compromising on the other important aspects of running your business. Trusting a team that has the same PR goals as you is the next step on your path to success. Are you ready to step up and play a bigger game in your business?